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English Cottage Home Tour 

Okay- this home is by far the most charming little english cottage you ever did see. This cozy slice of heaven belongs to the lovely Andrea, from Pine and Prospect Home, who has the cutest little english style home, and that front door… well you’ll just have to take a look for yourself. Without further a-due, let’s give a warm vintage welcome to Andrea!

English cottage exterior

Home Tour Series:

pine and prospect home

charming light blue cottage style arched front door number hooks
Can you give a brief introduction of yourself, your home and work? 

My name is Andrea and I started my blog, Pine and Prospect Home, in 2017. My desire was to “build hope” for people – to show them that you don’t need a huge budget to have a beautiful haven. I have learned so much over the past three years, and to be honest my style has changed, too! I am married to my high school sweetheart who makes all of my crazy ideas a reality. He is my biggest cheerleader and supporter, and together we have three beautiful boys. 

English cottage exterior
What year was your home built and do you have any details of the history or building process you would like to share? 

Our home was built in the 1930’s, and actually I have always wanted to learn more about it. We live in a very small tourist town right on Michigan’s coastline, and my husband and I wonder if our home was meant to be a summer cottage. The fireplace isn’t real, and the walls aren’t insulated very well…maybe one day we will find out!

dinning room cottage style decor floating shelves basket wall art white sideboard dresser
How do you define your decor style? What are your favourite types of decor?

Ohh I’m not the best at defining styles, but I can tell you what I love. English cottages nestled in the countryside, with stone walls and giant beams. Quirky rooms, charming doors, character in every corner. Our home is actually an English cottage revival style home, so I draw a lot of my inspiration from our home’s exterior. I incorporate modern elements and industrial accents, and I love to mix old and new. 

english cottage cutting board wall decor in kitchen
What is your favourite thing about your home? Do you have a favourite room or furniture piece?

Hmmm that is so hard. I would have to say the view looking into my entryway, just because of our round front door. There is something about it that is so charming and quaint! 

charming english cottage front entry way
Do you have any big future plans for your home? What is next for you or your home? 

We are always doing projects, ha! But the next BIG project would be our sunroom right off of our living space. We just insulated it ourselves and we plan on turning it into an office. Another neat thing about our home – we have a full, unfinished basement. A lot of older homes near us only have a small Michigan cellar, so we feel pretty blessed and we’re excited about the potential down there. One day we would love to finish it out for even more living space!

outdoor living space round patio table black accents
If you had one design or decor tip, what would it be? 

I would say stay true to what YOU love. In this age of social media we are so influenced by what other people are doing and it can make us question our own design style and choices. There is nothing wrong with being inspired, but don’t incorporate something just because everyone else is. 

English cottage master bedroom by pine and prospect home
Do you have a business or social media tip you can give to all those who want to start a blog or home decor business? 

Haha well, after three years of blogging I feel like I am finally starting to figure this thing out, but very slowly. There is still sooo much I have to learn, so I would encourage anyone just starting out to be patient and show themselves grace. It takes time to grow, success doesn’t usually happen overnight. Be consistent, keep showing up, put the work in, and one day if you stick with it, you will look back at your blogging journey with a huge smile!

english cottage kitchen hidden dishwasher white cabinets dark counter top

How stinking cute was that?! Did you see that front door? Britt might want to change hers all over again, haha! All joking aside, we love Andrea and her charming english cottage. If you love her as much as we do, head to her Instagram@pineandprospecthome and send her some love. Don’t forget to tell her who sent you!

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  1. Yes!! Andrea does have the most adorable home. There are so many homey touches and the house looks so beautiful and comfortable as well:) Thanks for sharing!