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Wondering what to do with rose petals? Roses are timeless flowers that everyone is familiar with and there are so many rose petal uses. Whether you grow them in your garden, get them as a bouquet from your loved one, or see wild roses growing along the trees in summer- we all smile and hopefully slow down to take the time to smell their sweet scent.

However, have you ever thought to use them beyond decor or for their visual beauty? My friend Jessica is sharing her top 5 ways to use or repurpose those gorgeous fresh rose petals instead of throwing them in the compost! 


If you are enjoying your cut roses in your home before you use them to make any of these fun rose petal DIYs, make sure to learn the best tips for caring for roses in a vase and how to make your own homemade flower food for fresh-cut flowers.

What To Do With Rose Petals

Guest written by Jessica, from Prairie Soap Shack.

Jessica is a certified herbalist, mom, nurse & owner of Prairie Soap Shack. She makes artisan soap & body products with all-natural & wildcrafted ingredients from the Alberta Prairies. You can find her on her website or on Instagram. Let’s dive into what to do with rose petals once they are dried.


Health Benefits For Rose Petals

Rose petals have many health benefits. Some people use them regularly for anxiety and to reduce stress. A cup of rose tea can help reduce inflammation, soothe cramps, and improve digestion.

Did you know rose petals are edible? It’s best to use your own roses to know if any chemical was used on them. They pack a strong punch, so less is more if you’re going to try a bite! You can even add edible rose petals to muffins or cakes, or top for decoration if you’d like an extra floral touch to your baking. They are full of antioxidants and nutrients including vitamins A & C. So be adventurous and add some different flavor to your kitchen!


Different Ways To Use Rose Petals

There are so many different uses for rose petals. Homemade potpourri, lip balm, rose petal honey, herbal teas, and rose petal homemade soaps, just to name a few. Rose petal tea, rose syrup and even rose petal jam are great ways to use both fresh and dried rose petals too.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to use up my own roses and rose blooms.

5 Ways to Use Rose Petals

1. Rose Petal Infused Water

It’s easy to make your own rose water. You can use either fresh or dry rose petals, and place ~1 cup into ~4 cups of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 min. Strain the petals out with a fine mesh strainer and you have rose water! This is a strong infusion and the colour may come out quite dark.

There are endless uses for rose water. First, its culinary uses as it’s been used for centuries dating back to the ancient Greeks. Rose water can be added for flavoring in cooking or baking, and even add a splash of rose water to your laundry. Or my favourite idea is to freeze it into ice cubes and use it in your lemonade, punch, or cocktail at your next party! I also used it this week to add some flavouring to my fermented kombucha.

I use lavender and rose water spray to refresh during the day! Check out this beautiful brass spray bottle for the perfect container for your water!

jessica prairie soap shop

Next, rose water in beauty products is AMAZING! It is so beneficial for your body with all its skin-loving properties. Rose water is hydrating, balancing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory & helps soften fine lines and wrinkles.


You can use rose water as a face toner, by applying it with cotton balls after cleansing your face or mist directly onto your skin. The roses have mild astringent properties, so it helps tighten pores and gently tone your complexion. It’s anti-inflammatory which helps reduce redness and helps acne.

You can also use rose water as a room spritzer to freshen the air. Optional to add a few drops of essential oils like geranium, rose, or lavender. These aromatherapy benefits can help uplift your mood.

2. Rose Petal Bath Salts

Adding a few fresh petals to some epsom salts & sea salts will have you feeling like you’re a Greek goddess. Rose petals in a bath are luxury & self-care at their finest. Soaking in the magnesium-rich salts and having rose petals around you promotes relaxation & calmness. The roses are also a great way to help soothe irritated skin, brighten your complexion & tighten your pores for a smooth appearance.

Try mixing in pink Himalayan salts for the colour variety. Soak for at least 20 min for full benefits. Be sure to scoop out the rose petals before draining them to avoid clogging!


3. Rose Petal Facial Steam

A fresh flower and herb facial steam is an effective way to gently coax out impurities while calming the mind & uplifting the spirit! You can use rose petals and any other in-season flower or herb such as lavender, chamomile, or mint. Lilac comes to mind as a super fragrant flower in bloom.

Steps: Fill a bowl on the kitchen table with the flowers & herbs and optional to use a couple of drops of essential oils such as skin-loving lavender. Boil your kettle and pour boiled water over the flowers. Sit down with the bowl in front of you and cover your head with a large towel, creating a kind of tent above the bowl. Check the steam is not too hot, and once comfortable, let the scented vapours make their way to your face. Be careful not to let the steam get too hot against your skin. Close your eyes and relax, steaming for 10 minutes. This would be a great time to meditate, listen to soothing music, or just deep breathe.

The benefits of using steam to promote healthy skin have been used for centuries. The gentle warmth and humidity encourage detoxification and help with dry skin or mild skin irritation. Steaming helps promote the release of toxins held in the skin and helps the pores open and breathe. This helps reduce redness, softens blackheads, releases dirt & impurities, moisturizes the skin & evens out skin tone.

Finish with a face mask and some rose water or your own rose oil and this leaves you rejuvenated, with soft & glowing skin!

4. Rose Petal Vinegar

You can infuse rose petals into vinegar (white or apple cider) to create a brilliant multipurpose cleaner, laundry rinse aid, or even a clarifying hair rinse! You simply take the rose petals, fresh or dried, about 1 cup and place them into a glass jar. Fill to the top with vinegar and let infuse for 1-2 weeks. Use a piece of wax paper under the metal lid as the vinegar will corrode the lid. Shake every now and again while infusing. To strain, use a fine mesh strainer and you have a gorgeous pink, sweet-smelling vinegar!

If the smell is still too strong for your liking, you can add a few drops of essential oils to enhance the scent but also contribute to cleaning benefits. It will keep for at least a year! To use as a multipurpose cleaner, dilute into the water to a ratio of 1:4 and use in a spray bottle. Can be used on most surfaces, but avoid granite, stone or marble.


To use as a laundry rinse aid, use undiluted. It helps soften clothes, deodorize & reduce scum in your machine.

To use as a hair rinse, dilute with water to a ratio of 1:10. Apply after shampooing & conditioning, apply the mixture over your hair evenly, working into your scalp. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing it out. Be careful to avoid the eyes! Vinegar hair rinses, commonly made with apple cider vinegar, are known to improve scalp health, strengthen hair, enhance shine, balance hair pH, reduce frizz, and promote hair growth. Jessica had a friend who had extremely oily hair out of nowhere, likely from product build-up. After many salon treatments and money spent,- the home method of apple cider vinegar rinses is what fixed her hair and restored it to its healthy natural state.

Rose-infused vinegar can also be used for cooling & soothing uses such as itching, sunburn, bug bites, and hives.

You can also use rose-infused vinegar in your favourite vinaigrette recipe!

5. Rose Petal Sugar Scrub

Time to get adventurous and make yourself a luxurious rose petal sugar scrub! This DIY scrub will get your skin glowing and feel silky and smooth. Sugar scrubs polish away dull flakiness and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Besides this scrub feeling lovely, you’ll also feel special making something with your rose petals. Enjoy this recipe!

  • A small handful of fresh rose petals
  • 1⁄2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp sunflower or other light oil
  • 3 drops essential oil (such as sweet orange, lavender, geranium)

• Place the rose petals and sugar in the bowl of a small food processor. Blend until an even texture and colour are achieved. Spread the now-coloured sugar in a single layer over a sheet of wax paper and allow it to air dry for 1-2 days.

• Place the dried rose sugar in a small mixing bowl. Add the oil, 1 tbsp at a time, stirring well after each addition. Continue adding oil until you’ve reached a consistency that you like. Add 3 drops of essential oil for scent. Stir well.

• Use over dry spots and other areas of your body needing exfoliation (I love it over my legs), or you can use it as a hand scrub after washing your hands. Rinse well with warm water. Be careful if using it in the shower or tub, since the oil may make the floor slippery.

I hope you’re feeling inspired to make some creative things with your rose petals! My favorite rose is the Wild Alberta Rose. I look forward every summer to foraging a few wild roses and later on the rose hips to make things with! Working with plants and nature gives a person a sense of calmness and accomplishment. It’s a great idea to find a way each day to de-stress by connecting with nature.

-Jessica, xoxo

Shop Material and Ingredients

Hopefully, this has given you some ideas on what can be made out of those garden roses you grow or the leftover roses that you can dry for the petals. Make sure you Pin this post to come back to again! Here are a few of the supplies needed if you choose to make any of these easy DIYs.

Brass Spray Bottle

10 oz, $24

Frequently Asked Rose Petal Questions

What to do with rose petals to save them?

It is very easy to save rose petals and there are a few different ways to preserve them.

The most common method is to air dry roses or hang roses to dry. Simply hang them from a ceiling-mounted drying rack, rafter, or nail and let the air dehydrate the petals. Once the rose is completely dry, you can remove the stem and store the petals in a ziplock bag or air-tight container.

Other drying methods include pressing your rose petals, microwaving the petals, or even baking them in an oven.

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